Preliminary study of the production of acetic acid and vinegar from alcohol

The importance of the project

The manufacture of acetic acid and vinegar is an important industry due to the need of many industries for acetic acid, which enters into the manufacture of stainless steel and it is possible to produce methaldheide, which uses solid fuel instead of methyl alcohol and is known as meta.

Acetic acid is also used to produce acetone, where acetic acid vapor passes at about 400 ° C above a catalyst such as thorium oxide or manganese oxide.

In addition, the vinegar is used in many foods, which is indispensable as a consumable material in kitchens and houses, which is necessary in addition to the great economic return. Therefore, the establishment of this project is encouraging for investment in small projects.


Raw materials needed to produce 1000 liters vinegar (10% concentration)

Absolute alcohol (105.88 liters).
Tribon (5.294 kg).
Yeast extract (5.294 kg).
Ammonium sulphate (1.6 kg).
Glucose (1.6 kg).
Potassium diphosphate (0.5 kg).
Magnesium sulfate sulfate (7 particles of crystallized water) (0.21 kg).

The project produces 99.5% pure acetic acid, or it can be converted to a 10% concentration or vinegar concentration of 6%.

Technical elements of the project

(1) stages of manufacturing

The alcohol is dried with water to a concentration of 10% in the mixing tank.

The nutrients required for the growth of acetic acid bacteria are processed in the required proportions.

The fermentation solution (MASH) is prepared by adding and mixing the food with diluted alcohol solution and adding 1% acetic acid to activate the bacteria.

The fermentation process is carried out in a fermenting plant by adding 10% of the MASH volume to the farm. The ventilation is highly efficient and provides the fermentation with a mechanical tool to prevent foam as well as a trap for the outside air and a condenser for the recovery of volatile substances (alcohol and acetic acid) (10 to 24º C) for two days until the concentration of residual alcohol reaches 0.1-0.3% and the concentration of acetic acid is 10%.

Store the resulting solution from fermentation and then filter in a filter once.

Store fresh vinegar and prefer to work pasteurization for the possibility of storage for a long time.

It is packaged in different containers and sold as a 10% concentration or diluted with a 6% concentration in the first tank.

Concentrate the pure solution in the second tank using an amine solvent.

The process of fumigation of acetic acid and then intensify to get pure acetic acid concentration of 99.5%. Packed in bottles with different packaging.

(2) Area and location:

The project needs an area of ​​20 m x 10 m, with a height of 6.5 m covered and equipped with ventilation devices, industrial security equipment and fire extinguishing equipment.

(3) Required services and cost:

The project needs an electric source with an electric power of about 10 kW. The project also needs a source of water to provide running water, cooling and running the boiler to get the steam at a total of 1000 dinars annually.

(4) Machines, equipment and the equipment:

3-cubic-meter stainless steel irons, 1800 liter liquefied petroleum gas, as well as filter for filtration of solutions and 4 tannets for mixing and storing solutions, as well as pump, solvent extraction system, kettle and distillation apparatus. The equipment costs about KD 10,000

(5) Project needs of raw materials per month:

The project needs of raw materials (alcohol, tarton, yeast extract, ammonium sulphate, glucose, potassium, diaphosphate, magnesium sulphate, glucose,

Total raw materials during the capital cycle (three months) 10000 JD per year.

(6) Employment:

The project needs (Director – Number 2 Maintenance Observer – Number 4 Production Assistant – 4 Workers Production, Maintenance, Packing and Storage)

Annual labor costs are estimated at about 20,400 dinars annually