NAME : Sultan Ahmed Sultan Al-Khalaf
DATE OF BIRTH : 10th August 1949
TelFax: 00965-25350300
Mobile: 00965-99889274
– Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Science (B.V.Sc.)
University of Cairo, Egypt.
– Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Production
Germany (1977)
– Poultry Pathology – Karachi, Pakistan
15th – 26th May 1978
– Bacteriology, Virology, Pathology and Biochemistry in the
Central Veterinary Laboratory, Weybridge, England.
14th June 1978 – 12th July 1978
– The use of Fluorescent microscope technique in the diagnosis of animal diseases in Khartoum, Sudan – 24th November 1979 – 24th December 1979
– Echinococcosis – Nicosia, Cyprus – 12th – 22nd May 1980
– Animal Hygiene in Tropical Areas, England
25th October 1988 – 7th November 1988
1976 – 1978
Spent two years after graduation as field veterinarian in the different branches of veterinary services in Kuwait.
1978 – 1983 | Deputy Superintendent of Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratories.
1982 – 1986 | Superintendent of Vet. Diagnostic Laboratories and Research
1986 – 1990 | Director of Animal Health Department.
1990 – 2006 | Deputy Director General for Animal Resources – PAAF Kuwait
6th April 1993
5th April 1995 – 21st April 1995
13th June 1995 – 25th June 1995
2009 – till now
- Director General of Dar Alkhalaf for Consulting and Trainig
- Director General of Dar Al Khalaf Instiute for Private Training
- Director General of Reem Al Sultan for Gen. Trading and Contracrting Inst.
- Administrative and management control of all sectors concerned with Animal Wealth in Kuwait, so as their accomplished activities.
- Organizing the extension of collaborative arrangements with International Organization of Animal Health activities as FAO, WHO and O.I.E.
- Planning, organizing and supervising all activities related to health, production, breeding and prophylactic services of animal poultry and fish resources in Kuwait.
- Overall supervision of Vet-services in Kuwait and establishing of plans and policies for animal disease prevention and control.
- Organize and supervise programs for zoonotic disease control adopted in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health.
- Following the application of Veterinary laws and decisions by different sections.
- Organize and supervise the training program for professional and technical staff of the animal resources departments to upgrade their skills essential for professional development.
- Establish and supervise research projects in the field of animal health and fish resources through contracts with centers.
- Planning and directing programs to improve livestock section in the country.
- Supervise the execution of regulations governing the registration, importation and circulation of veterinary drugs as well as the issuing of license to the private veterinarians to practice the Vet. profession in Kuwait.
- During the Iraqi occupation to Kuwait, Organised and supervised the slaughterhouse services to supply the citizens, so as foreigners with possible meat requirements.
- Articles already published
- Al-Khalaf A. El Khaldi 1989 – Brucellosis of Camels in Kuwait.
Comp. Immun. Microbial, Infectious Diseases 12 (1/20pp1)
2. Books already published
- Development of Veterinary services in Kuwait 1988 in Arabic.
- Damages caused to Agriculture sector as result of Iraqi Invasion 2000
- Meat and Methods of Slaughtering.2006
3. Books under publication
i The Horse from A to Z.
- Zoo noses and Communicable Diseases in Arabic.
- Development of Poultry Industry.
- Participation in the setting of the law concerning the practice of Veterinary medicine and the auxiliary professions in Kuwait.
- Participation in the setting of regulations of the registration of import and circulation of the Veterinary medicines.
- Servicing and management of scientific programs organized as pilot training for veterinarians in field of poultry diseases, laboratory diagnosis, so as zoonotic diseases with the help of F.A.O. for mid level executives.
- Establishment and supervising Veterinary Assistant Training Center for the first time in Kuwait, this training is for two years after General Secondary Certificate and is offered as a diploma.
- Also, establishment of the senior meat inspection-training center for the first time in Kuwait. This is for two years study and training after general Secondary Certificate and is offered as a diploma.
- Implementation of the project for Brucella Eradication programme in sheep and goat as step for elimination of dangerous, communicable diseases between man and animal, the budget of this project is for about 1 million U.S.$ (dollars). Unfortunately due to Iraqi invasion, the project is postponed.
- A project for Upgrading and Development of Animal Resources June 1994- 1995 in cooperation with the Kuwait advancement of Sciences was taken by the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs & Fish Resources. The complete study was completed under the leadership as the Head of the Project.
O I E Activities:
Permanent Delegate of Kuwait to O.I.E. meetings and activities since the adherence of Kuwait to O.I.E. took place in 1988.
Presentation of Paper: at the 2nd Regional Conference on Problems associated with International Trade and movement of livestock in the Middle East, Damascus, Syria. (26th –29th April 1993).
After being elected as the President of the O.I.E. Regional Commission for the Middle East took part in the 4th Conference for the Middle East and suggested for a special recommendation for B.S.E (Bovine Spongioform Encephalopathis) and it was accepted by the Regional Commission of O.I.E.
Also suggested for the introduction of Arabic Language for the next O.I.E. General Session and communicated with all Arab speaking Countries to contribute the required amount needed and succeeded in introducing Arabic language for 2 years.
F A O Activities:
Conducted the Radiscon Workshop in Kuwait for the Arab Gulf region “Establishment of Regional Animal Disease Surveillance and Control Network (RADISCON, from 29th November – 3rd December 1997 in Kuwait).
WHO/MZCP Activities
Conducted Salmonellosis training For Kuwaiti technicians with the help of MZCP from 21st –25th April 2001.
- Member of MINEADEP Executive Board (FAO).
- Member of Arab Veterinarian Union.
- Member of International Veterinary Association.
- Permanent Delegate to Office International des Epizooties.
- Chairman of Kuwaiti Veterinary Association.
- Member of the permanent committee for regulation manufacture, importation and handling of insecticides and their uses.
- Chairman of Pure Arabian Horse committee in Kuwait.
- Chairman of technical committee for handling and registration of drugs.
- Chairman of Veterinary license committee.
- Chairman of technical committee for qualifying national companies and agencies for the field of slaughterhouses and veterinary services in Kuwait.
- Chairman of technical committee for transferring slaughterhouses from municipality to the Public Authority for Agriculture Affairs and Fish Resources.
- Chairman of the committee for the veterinary drug residues in animal’s body and animal products and their hazard human health.
- Member of Zoonotic diseases committee, Ministry of Public Health.
- Chairman of joint committee for detection of insecticide residues in food.
- Head of technical group for buying Pure Arabian horses from Egypt, Morocco and Germany during the period (21st August – 4th September 1992).
- Member of the committee for Agriculture researches in Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research.
- Member of the committee for developing animal resources in Kuwait organization for scientific progress.
- Chairman of committee for issuing licenses for cattle farms.
- Chairman of the committee for issuing licenses for poultry farms.
- Chairman of the committee for issuing licenses for Veterinary clinics and drug stores.
- Member of the Radiscon Steering Committee F.A.O.
- President of the Regional Commission for the Middle East.
- National level Coordinator for the WHO Mediterranean Zoo noses Control Programme (MZCP).
- Sub Regional Representative for the Arab Gulf Region for Radiscon.
- Member of the Editorial Committee for the “SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REVIEW OF O.I.E.”
- Member of the Board for The Public Authority for Environment, Kuwait
I was awarded the meritorious award by OIE in May 1999 for my outstanding contribution in the field of technical, veterinary public health and animal disease control
- Attended the meeting for General directors of Veterinary Services
Damascus, Syria (16th – 20th June 1979).
- Attended the meeting of the technical committee for the control of plague
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (18th – 24th January 1980).
- Went to Pakistan and Bangladesh for selection of veterinary technical employees. (7th – 27th June 1980).
- Iffa Merieux Laboratories Lyon, France
(9th –16th September 1980).
- Veterinary Services in Cyprus
(16th November 1980 – 1st December 1980).
- Went to Saudi Arabia and Yemen to determine the need of Yemen in the field of Veterinary services. (25th April 1981 – 9th May 1981).
- Attended the 6th meeting of the Executive Committee for Animal Health Project. Amman, Jordan. (16th –20th May 1981).
- Attended the meeting for the Administrative Committee of FAO, Rome, Italy (15th –16th October 1981).
- Attended the opening ceremony of the Vet. Laboratory in Riyadh
Saudi Arabia (11th February 1982).
- Intervet International B.V. Holland (30th August 1982 – 7th September 1982).
- Attended the Eighth for the Regional project for Animal Health and Production for the near East Sudan (27th October – 2nd November 1983)
- Veterinary Services in Baghdad, Iraq
(19th – 22nd February 1984).
- Veterinary Services in Denmark
(21st – 26th January 1985).
- Attended the 8th meeting for controlling the importation of veterinary
Saudi Arabia 8th –13th March 1985
- Veterinary Services in West Germany and England
(23rd June – 6th July 1986).
- Attended the 12th Meeting for the executive committee of the Arab
for manufacturing veterinary drugs. Oman, Jordan (4th – 5th October 1986).
- Attended the 11th meeting for the executive committee of the Regional
Project for Animal Health and Production, Middle and near East (FAO).
Baghdad, Iraq (14th –16th March 1987).
- Veterinary Services in Turkey
(6th –11th April 1987).
- Veterinary Services in China
(25th October – 6th November 1987).
- Attended the 12th meeting for the Executive Committee of the Regional project for Animal Health and production, Middle and near East (FAO),
Baghdad, Iraq (14th –16th March 1987).
- Veterinary Services and Recent Diagnostic Technique, France
(16th – 20th May 988).
- Veterinary Services in Jordan
(4th –11th June 1988).
- Veterinary Services and Vet Laboratories in England (10th – 24th October 1988).
- Attended the meeting for Arab Organization for Pure Arabian Horseman, Jordan (30th November 1988).
- Veterinary Services in the United Arab Emirates
(3rd – 9th February 1989).
- Attended the meeting of the Administrative Committee of the Regional project
for Animal Health and Production near East, Yemen
(11th –13th February 1989).
- Veterinary Services in West Germany, France and England,
(22nd –26th May 1989).
- Veterinary Services in Qatar
(1st April 1990).
- Attended the meeting for the General Arab Veterinary
Union, Cairo, Egypt (27th – 29th January 1992).
- Veterinary services in Australia. Invitation from the Australian Government
(9th – 16th April 1992).
- Veterinary Services in Holland
(15th – 21st June 1992).
- Egypt, Morocco and Germany for buying Pure Arabian Horses (21st August – 4th September 1992).
- Attended the 61st General Session of the International Committee of the O.I.E., Paris, France. (24th – 28th May 1993).
- Attended the meeting of the Regional project for Animal Health and Production held in Rome, Italy (5th – 6th July 1993).
- 3rd International conference on the impact of viral diseases on the development of Middle East & African Countries, Kuwait. (19th – 27th March 1983).
- Evaluation of strategic plan of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research for the years. (1992/1993-1994/1995).
- 5th Scientific Exhibition of G.C.C. Countries under the symbol “Kuwait Freedom Scientific Meeting” (1st September 1992).
- Shared in the Scientific Paper in the seminar of “Animal Wealth Development Project in Kuwait” organized by Kuwait Organization for Scientific Progress (18th April 1993).
- Shared in the seminar of consumer protection week organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (22nd – 27th May 1993).
- Bovine Theileriasis Seminar, Baghdad, Iraq
(28th April – 1st May 1979)
- Mycoplasmosis in small ruminants, Khartoum, Sudan
(3rd – 6th December 1979).
- Camel diseases, Khartoum, Sudan
(18th – 20th December 1979)
- Bovine Brucellois, Bahrain
(28th February – 4th March 1981)
- Arab Veterinarian Union Scientific Conference, Jordan
(6th – 11th September 1981).
- 26th Session of the European Commission for the control of Foot and Mouth
Disease. Rome. (25th – 26th April 1985).
- 1st session of the Codex Committee on residues of Veterinary
Drugs in Food. Washington, U.S. A.
(27th – 31st October 1986).
- 56th General session of the International Committee of the
O.I.E. Paris, France. (16th – 20th May 1988)
- 5th international symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology
and Economics. Copenhagen Denmark.
(25th – 29th July 1988).
- 19th Arab Veterinary Congress. Cairo, Egypt.
(18th – 22nd March 1988).
- 57th General session of the International Committee of the O.I.E.
Paris, France. (22nd – 26th May 1989).
- Arabian Horse Seminar, Baghdad, Iraq
(21st – 23rd November 1989).
- 2nd O.I.E. Regional Conference on Problems associated with
International Trade and the movement of livestock in the
Middle East. Damascus, Syria (26th – 29th April 1993).
- 61st General Session of the International Committee of the O.I.E. held in Paris, France. (24th – 28th May 1993).
- Participated in the Mineadep meeting of Steering Committee FAO- United Nations held in Rome Italy (5th – 6th July 1993).
- Participated in the Veterinary Advisory and service organization in
Holland organized by the International Dairy Consultants.
(11th -17th July 1994).
- Participated in the World Arabian Horse Organization, conference in
Morocco Rabat (4th – 8th September 1994).
- Participated in the conference of the Ministers of Food and Agriculture
NAM countries, Bali, Indonesia. (7th – 11th October 1994).
- Participated in the Conference on Animal Production in Hot Climates
organised by Sultan Qaboos University (8th –10th January 1995).
- Participated in the faculty of Vet Medicine Cairo University, the fourth scientific congress” Veterinary Medicine and Human Health”
(2nd – 4th April 1996).
- In the 64th General Session of O.I.E. France during
20th – 24th the May 1996.
- Attended the FAO Steering Committee Meeting of Radiscon
Cairo, Egypt (20th March 1997).
- Participated in the 23rd Veterinary Medical Congress,
Cairo, Egypt (22nd – 26th March 1997).
- .I.E. 65th General Session between Paris, France
(26th – 30th May 1997).
- 4th Conference O.I.E. Regional Commission for the Middle East
Amman Jordan. (22nd – 25th September 1997)
- Visited Iran as a member of the high level delegation from Public
Authority for Agriculture for bilateral cooperation from
28th September to 2nd October 1997.
- Twelfth Session of the Joint Coordinating Committee of the
Mediterranean Zoo noses Control Programme. Caltanissetta
Italy (8th – 10th October 1997).
- Visited Iran as the chief of the delegation of the Fishing sector private Companies from 19th – 22nd November 1997.
- Visited S. Arabia 14th – 16th March 1998 official visit for Agricultural sector.
- Radisocon steering committee meeting from 29th – 30th March 1998.
- O.I.E. 66th General Session held in Paris (25th – 29th May 1998).
- Visited Saudi Arabia Aquaculture and fisheries facilities
from 30th May 1998 to 4th June 1998.
- Visited Athens, Greece as a special guest for the Mediterranean
Zoo noses control programme “20th Anniversary Celebrations”
and the member of the Advisory Committee from 26th – 29th November 1998.
- Visited Syria in connection with meeting of The Arab Organization for
Agriculture Development (AOAD) from 23rd – 26th January 1999.
- Visited India in connection with selection of veterinary doctors from
20th April – 25th April 1999.
- Visited to attend O.I.E. 67 General Session in Paris
(17th – 21st May 1999) to receive the meritorious award
and also, RADISCON MEETING and Regional Commission meeting
- 22nd – 29th June 1999 Visited Romania and Bulgaria to choose
Veterinary Doctors.
- 2nd – 6th October 1999 Visited Sultanate of Oman for
Regional Commission meeting.
- Visited U.A.E. as a member of high-level delegation to the committee
of Ministry of Agriculture and water from 11th – 12th October 1999.
- 20th – 21st March 2000 visited Lebanon in connection with the Inauguration of O.I.E. Middle East Office
- 22nd – 26th May 2000 Attended 68 General Session of O.I.E. Paris
- 14th – 16th November 2000 Attended Safeguarding Health in
World Trade in Lebanon by O.I.E.
- th – 7th March 2001 Attended International conference on trade,
SPS in Tehran organised by WTO.
- 9th – 12th April 2001, Dubai, U.A.E. attended Workshop on Risk Analysis on Trade in Animals and Animal Products.
- 17th – 18th April attended OIE scientific Conference on FMD.
- 4th – 5th May 2001 Radiscon Meeting in Cairo, Egypt.
- 6th – 9th May 2001 Arab Veterinary medical congress Cairo, Egypt
- 27th – 31st May 2001 Attended 69th General Session of O.I.E. Paris France
- 24th – 25th June 2001 WHO/MZCP Cyprus Informal Advisory Group meeting
- 24th – 27th September Attended 6th Conference of OIE Regional Commission Lebanon
- 30th September – 5th October 2001 Denmark, Study Tour on Food Safety
- 5th – 13th November 2001 Attended FAO Meeting in Rome, Italy.
- 28th – 30th April 2002 Arab organization Meeting in Abu Dhabi U.A.E
- 26th – 31st May 2002 70th Conference of the OIE International Committee France.
- 13th June 2002 World Conference on Food organized by FAO Italy.
- 26th – 28th September 2002 World Veterinary Conference Tunis
- 11-15 August 2003 Workshop on Administration in Morocco
- Participated 29 Nov 10 Dec 2003 Italy for FAO’s meeting of AOAD.
- Attended the programme for Government Accounts in Syria 25 July to 5 August. 2004
- Management Programme and feasibility studies Arab organization for Administrative Development.Cairo 7-18 /8/2005
- Regional conference for Near East Sana Yemen 12-16 March 2006
- Third Annual Conference of the directors in the Gulf Abu Dhabi 16/19-4-2006.
- Attended the Jordan veterinary association conference 27/29-4-2006
- Attended as the Veterinary Association president of Kuwait Euro Arab
Veterinary Congress 1-3/6/2006 Portugal
Work in the private sector since 2009 until now:
Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al-Khalaf resigned from Public Authority for Agriculture and Fish Resources in 2006 after completing the service of 30 years (1976-2006). These years were full of achievements and work to serve Kuwait and the Arab world. He is currently supervising private commercial activity in the following fields:
1- Dar Al Khalaf for Consulting and Training
Chairman – Director General
Dr. Sultan Al-Khalaf, Founder and Chairman of the company since 2009 until now. The company has many activities in Consulting and Training and ISO services and making feasibility studies for many projects inside and outside Kuwait, as described on the company’s website:
2- Dar Al-Khalaf Institute for Private Training
General Manager of the Dar Al Khalaf Institute for Training, the first Kuwaiti institute specialized in the field of agricultural training in the State of Kuwait. Dar Alkhalaf Institute has trained many ministries and companies in the fields of food, food inspection, food hygiene and the application of various ISO systems as described on the website It is an accredited institute from the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training and from the Civil Service Bureau in Kuwait.
- Also Dr. Sultan Works as an Instructor for teaching and training in different courses, such as:
– The implementation of HACCP system in food companies 15-18 June 2014 – held at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kuwait and attended by quality controllers who work in some food factories in Kuwait.
– Inspection of meat imports in January 2014 for inspectors work in of Kuwait Municipality.
– Inspection of the validity of fish for human consumption – for inspectors of the Ministry of Commerce.
– Quality and food safety course – Quality employees in food factories – held in Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry
3 – Reem Al Sultan Est. for General Trading and Contracting
General Manager, Reem Al Sultan Est. is working in the various fields of agriculture, import of agricultural machinery, equipment and farm requirements, as well as the implementation of tenders and procurement and landscape projects. It is accredited by the Central Tenders Committee and several government agencies in the State of Kuwait.